Thursday, November 17, 2011

Secular Take on a Pentecostal Interpretation

This is a fascinating secular report on a Pentecostal take on the Gift of Tongues. There is a lot of valuable footage, and a somewhat interesting scientific conclusion. It seems that the frontal lobe of the brain which is active when a person is using a language is actually less active when he engages in this form of "tongues." Interestingly enough, the same scientist tested Franciscan Nuns and Buddhist monks who exhibited the exact opposite phenomena when praying. Many Pentecostals take this as an affirmation that the Holy Spirit is simply taking over and guiding their mouths while critics say that the decreased brain activity is indicative that those who speak this way are not speaking a language at all. In the end, the scientific discovery in combination with a theological understanding could lead to either conclusion, but it is interesting nonetheless. We, as Catholics, believe that the human person consists in more than his material makeup, but that there is an activity of the soul. The neural scientific findings, in that sense, do not necessarily preclude the defense of the Pentecostals. In the end, these findings are inconsequential.

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